LOCAL SCHOOLS: (Sandwich, Plano, Yorkville) districts are notified of available attendance dates by the Kendall-Grundy Regional Office of Education (ROE). These districts then inform the ROE of the specific schools, grade levels and teachers that wish to attend on each date. This process takes place in the spring, prior to the end of each school year.

OTHER GROUPS: (school, adult, other youth) may register on a space available basis. Please CONTACT The center for more information.


Teachers will be sent a printed Registration Form along with a Scope and Sequence outlining our programs. You may also use the On-line Registration. The printed Registration Form must be returned 30 days prior to your attendance (exceptions are made for those attending in September). There are always schools looking for additional slots. If we do not receive this request form on time, your slot will become available to other groups and may be removed from the schedule. Additionally, please call the center two weeks prior to confirm your attendance. Late or missing paperwork may result in the cancellation of your program.


The KCOEC was originally a Scout Lodge, which has been converted over to an education center and employs two staff. As such, it is designed to serve a maximum of two classes per scheduled date for a full day program. This allows our staff members to teach all lessons. This also provides us some flexibility to utilize our limited indoor space and continue programming, should the weather become an issue while you are in attendance. This is especially important between mid-October and mid-Aprilwhen temperatures are


All lessons involve “hands-on” experiences. To facilitate all students being involved, your class will generally be broken down into smaller workgroups. The size of these groups is dependent on the number of chaperones you bring. For the safety of all, we require an adult to student ratio of 1 adult to 10 students from the sponsoring organization, with a minimum of 2 adults per group. In most cases a group will bring a total of 3 adults. A chaperone’s role is to:

  • Stay with your students at all times

  • Provide additional support for student activities

  • Provide additional support for student behavioral issues

  • Dispense medication as directed by your Lead Teacher

  • Assist in the case of an emergency, as directed by your Lead Teacher or KCOEC Staff


The KCOEC is an outdoor experience! It is up to you, the Lead Teacher, to ensure that your group is properly clothed to enjoy their program. Some students in your group will be outdoors longer than they have ever been before. Many of them do not believe they need as much clothing as it takes to be comfortable. Your experience will be fun, educational, and more rewarding if all participants are comfortable. Please read this additional information.


Most groups ask that each participant bring their own sack lunch with drink. There are no vending machines at the KCOEC. Other lunch options, such as catering, are available upon request. We also encourage groups to bring bottled water, as the drinking fountain may not be near your group during programming and is shut off in the colder months. Restrooms are available throughout the forest preserve.


If you need to cancel or reschedule due to a conflict, please notify us immediately to see if there are any available dates. Should you need to cancel on the program date, due to weather or other issue, please notify the center by 7:00 a.m. After that time, staff will generally be in the field and away from phone contact.